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HANA in SAP HANA stands for High-Performance Analytic Appliance which is an In-Memory Database. It is the progressed ERP Solution from SAP, and can be introduced on both, Cloud and Premises.A well balanced integration of Hardware and Software makes SAP HANA bring with it various other components as:

  • SAP SLT or System Landscape Transformation
  • SAP HANA Database
  • SAP HANA Direct Extractor connection
  • Replication server
  • Sybase replication technology

HANA fits in the gap between traditional Hardware-focused Environment Control Units and technologically advanced Smart Home Automation Solutions, and makes the functioning smoother for user. HANA has also made life easier for people with Mobility challenges as it introduces to them Speech Recognition technology and Internet of Things (IoT).

With HANA, you even get a way to control and access your Gadgets through Voice Control, Shortcut Activation, a Scanning Menu and much more. HANA also offers Web based Device Management through one of its software that gives the individual liberty to customize the system as per the needs.

The four components of SAP HANA


SAP HANA Appliance

SAP HANA Application Cloud-based infrastructure


Why To Choose SAP HANA?

Decision Making

With the introduction of SAP HANA, Decision making takes no time as the data can be provisioned and reported in Real-Time.


One can run both Transactional as well as Analytical applications on one single data model, which fully transforms the way Business Applications are constructed.

No Restriction on Questioning

SAP HANA makes the user cross all the barriers in the way and provides a liberty to raise a question on any data, no matter how complex it be using the standard SQL for performing things.


The use of SAP HANA simplifies the process of Application Development. A User Survey displayed that the codes can be reduced by upto 70-80% when one uses in-memory technologies like SAP HANA.


Using the in-database algorithms, one can pace up the predictive analysis and scoring.They can also parallelly adopt the changing models frequently.

Open platform

User can easily integrate his/her application with SAP HANA and even follow the standard protocols for accessing it. Also, SAP HANA provides the User an option to build her/his own application.

Reduced Consolidation and Maintenance

One can reduce the TCO by consolidating the heterogeneous servers into SAP HANA servers. It also reduces the Hardware maintenance and Lifecycle Management.

Effective ROI

The adoption of SAP HANA is a cost-efficient option that even boosts the company’s productivity. One can amalgamate all the Analytical and Transactional capabilities of multiple systems into a single source which consequently leads to proactive business making.

The sofgenEdge

A cautiously curated team of professionals at Sofgen provide you end-to-end support on SAP HANA and make sure to bring you across an enriched user experience. We also give you an option to get On-Demand Support on SAP HANA. The Services we provide have in-return turned out to be a cost-effective opportunity for the User’s company to properly utilize resources in the best possible way, saving ample of time as well.

The List of Services provided by Sofgencounts :

  • SAP System Landscape Plan and Design
  • Install & Configure SAP
  • Migration from R/3(ECC) to SAP Hana
  • Database Upgrade
  • SAP System performance evaluation in terms of transaction processing & response time.
  • Verify system profile and process settings.
  • Database and Operating System performances.
  • Data dictionary consistency.
  • Profile, Role and Authorization settings verification as per SAP guidelines.
  • Version Control and Analysis.
  • Research of Critical / Conflicting Objects.
  • CORE Modifications violating Best-Practices Guidelines.
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